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"Duke Energy fined over $100 million" 

Rates, tariffs, demand charges, revenue taxes, surcharges, fuel adjustments, reactive charges and miscellaneous credits can all be miscalculated and misapplied.

-SM Engineering Co

There are several rate structures available to businesses. Don’t rely on the Utilities to assign the most cost effective rate. They are in business to make a profit, not to save you money!

Even small mistakes compounded over many months or several years can result in overpayments. If your bills are accurately calculated, but based on incorrect rates you may be paying thousands of dollars more than you should. Our unique auditing service checks for erroneous meter readings, incorrect applications of rates, pricing arrangements, usage anomalies, duplicate billings and other administrative errors.

  • Negotiate refunds, credits & reductions on your behalf with the utility companies

  • Conduct an extensive technical analysis of all utility rates, schedules, metering and utility bills.

  • Review your agreements to obtain proper rates and determine rebates, and evaluate tax credit incentives.

  • Submit recommendations for all savings to ensure that you are paying the lowest rate for utility services based on your industry, usage and demand.

  • Implement riders, special provisions, discounts and other factors that reduce the cost per unit charged to your company.

  • Develop substantial expense reduction opportunities for clients regarding indexed or fixed electric and gas commodity pricing.

Let TRI show you how energy deregulation, and our unique energy partnerships can benefit your business, and make a significant difference in the price you pay for energy.

© 2018 TRI Utility Cost Reductions, Inc.

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